Analysis Paralysis Corner
Two loquacious friends spend a superfluous amount of time musing over video games, board games, and anime. Off-topic rants abound while they explore the whats, whys, and hows of their favorite media.
21 episodes
Uncharted: The Not so Naughty Dog
In Today's Episode Antoine and Peter discuss one of Sony's most iconic titles, Uncharted. Listen as they reminisce on this excellent game gone movie!
Season 1
Episode 21

Let's Talk Musicals: Tick Tick Boom
In today's episode Antoine and Peter stray away from games, anime, and comics and instead show their love for musical theatre while analyzing and discussing Tick Tick Boom. Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo!
Season 1
Episode 20

Our Top 4 Anime Mothers
In honor of Mother's day, Antoine and Peter list off their respective top 4 anime mothers. Edited: since Peter doesn't know how to count.
Season 1
Episode 19

Cowboy Bebop Live Action - Trying to Judge Without Comparing to the Anime.
Antoine and Peter attempt to judge the Cowboy Bebop live action Netflix series without comparing it to the anime. Spoiler Alert - Peter is not able to do this...
Season 1
Episode 18

First Encounter - Procedurally Generated Games
Much like the random roulette nature behind our first encounter episodes, today's episode we discuss Procedurally Generated Games - where no playthrough is ever the same.
Season 1
Episode 17

Quest Log: Games We've Played, Beaten, and Are Waiting For.
Antoine and Peter cover games they have been playing, beaten, and are anticipating in the future.
Season 1
Episode 16

First Encounter with Non-classic board games
Today's encounter roulette has Antoine and Peter think back on their first time playing non-classic board games. We're talking games like Catan, Risk, Quelf, and Betrayal.
Season 1
Episode 15

First Encounter - Horror Games
On today's episode Antoine and Peter avoid freaking out as they discuss their first time playing different horror games.
Season 1
Episode 14

Remembering PlayStation Experience
Antoine and Peter spend their time this episode re-telling and reminiscing on traveling to the west coast to take part in PlayStation Experience. C'mon Sony when is the next one going to be?
Season 1
Episode 13

Analyzing THE Suicide Squad
Antoine and Peter give their impressions on The Suicide Squad movie. This episode was a long time coming having first been recorded in September. Life happens and here we are. Back again.
Season 1
Episode 12

Tales of Symphonia - A JRPG with a twist.
In today's episode, Antoine and Peter share their own tales playing Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube.
Season 1
Episode 11

Mysterium, Dixit, and Obscurio - Pictures Are Worth Solving Murders
On today's episode, Antoine and Peter discuss three board games made by Libellud that force you to really look at the deeper meaning of images. Or not. It all depends on you.
Season 1
Episode 10

Heavy Rain - A Cinematic Experience
Today on Analysis Paralysis Corner, our hosts discuss Heavy Rain and its abundance of QTEs.
Season 1
Episode 9

First Encounter with Sonic the Hedgehog
Today's another First Encounter Roulette. And as luck would have it we cover the blue blur himself, Sonic which also happens to be Peter's favorite video game character.
Season 1
Episode 8

Video Game Movies - What's wrong? **SPOILER WARNING**
Antoine and Peter discuss why they feel video game movies aren't hitting the right marks whether it's inaccuracies, odd castings, or making up unnecessary characters. And "heeeey", there are going to be spoilers...
Season 1
Episode 7

We Rank Our Top 3 Anime!
After much deliberation Antoine and Peter sort of rank their top 3 anime for now. Honorable mentions are included. uwu
Season 1
Episode 6

Analysis Paralysis Corner: Remember Your First Arcade Game?
With the help of Alexa, Antoine and Peter decide to recall their first experiences playing Arcade games. In the end, they both needed coins badly.
Season 1
Episode 5

Analysis Paralysis Corner: Hidden Identity games. Are you a spy?
Antoine and Peter analyze Hidden Identity games like Resistance, Secret Hitler, and Don't Mess with Cthulhu as well as reveal personal strategies they employ to be successful in the different roles.
Season 1
Episode 3

Analysis Paralysis Corner: Dynasty Warriors, the same game every time.
The Analysis Paralysis Corner duo reminisce over the Dynasty Warriors franchise. From the bad mispronunciation of the first installments to the awesome anime-based adaptations, they've enjoyed it all.
Season 1
Episode 4